Interview Atelier Suji - Edouard

It's the Momen to talk about you, let's discover today the portrait of Edouard.

Who are you?

I am Edouard, a creative cabinetmaker. Based in Isère at the foot of the Vercors.

What is your know-how?

I create skates, snows and wooden bikes, just about anything that rolls or glides. All of this is done in a way that makes sense to me, i.e. ethically and eco-responsibly. Each creation is conceived in an artisanal way.
To make them, I only use wood from local, sustainably managed productions.

Do you have any anecdotes to share with us about your handmade products?

As a child I was a fan of the Ninja Turtles and one day Paramount contacted me. They asked me to make 4 boards with their effigy for the release of one of their films.

How was Atelier SUJI born and why?

Atelier SUJI was born in 2013, I wanted to ride my own skateboard which pushed me to start making boards. I couldn't find a board that matched what I was looking for. For me, it was important to transpose the values that drive me in my manufacturing.

It is therefore quite natural that I decided to use only locally produced wood, the cleanest glues possible, eco-labelled varnish which offers optimal protection and water-based screen printing ink without petroleum or derivatives.

What object sets the pace for your daily life?

My sketchbook follows me everywhere, I scribble in it as soon as I have an idea for the different stages of production.

What do you think would be a must-have item in a man's wardrobe?

My apron, since I trained as a cabinetmaker, is the accessory that marks the beginning of the day in the workshop.

The last word?

Ride & Chill is my hakuna matata for Atelier SUJI since the beginning!